Konfluence 2022
Konfluence on TalTechi IT-teaduskonna üliõpilaskogu tudengite poolt organiseeritud konverents, kus astuvad üles oma ala tegijad erinevatest tuntud Eesti IT-ettevõtetest ja idufirmadest.
Konverents toimub 7. mail ning üles astuvad parimad arendajad, insenerid ja disainerid, kes spetsialiseeruvad just front-end arendusele.
Facebooki üritus 👉 https://fb.me/e/2zJTYyeoD
Konfluence is a front-end conference that is entirely organized by the students of TalTech Student Council of the School of IT and brings together many experts from well-known Estonian start-ups and established IT-companies.
The conference will take place on May 7.
Acquire or improve your knowledge from the best developers, project managers and designers who specialize in front-end development.
Facebook event 👉 https://fb.me/e/2zJTYyeoD